Gold Is Up 9% in 2025 So Far, Stocks Only 2%. Another day, another record for gold prices. Just sitting here at my desk, whipping up a tweet to comment on gold relative to stocks and bonds, and I look at my trading screen and there’s gold, surpassing a new high above $2,940. Frankly, I [Read More] …
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The 6 Cycles That Explain World History
America Is at a Dangerous Moment… Today… a word we don’t hear bandied about much around the water cooler, at cocktail parties, or out on the golf course. You don’t hear it much in the mainstream media either. Probably a reason for that. Our word of the day: Ochlocracy. Raise your hand if that’s a [Read More] …
What to Do When the Market Panics
Lemons, Chinese AI, and Market Selloffs… When the world hands you lemons… too many investors freak out and throw the lemons away. Others of us use that moment to buy more lemons… because we know they’re going to turn into lemonade. Case in point, the giant freak-out that roiled stock and crypto markets when a [Read More] …
$2,800 Magically Appeared in My Wallet…
Get Free Money for Using Crypto Services…. I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. – Thomas Jefferson Our topic for today is free money. Which means you likely know we’re venturing into the digital side of life. I’ve written to you a number of [Read More] …
One Chart Reveals the Dollar’s Fate
Bad Juju. We return to gold… I sent you a dispatch last week about the Panama Route, a little-known anecdote from the Civil War in which steamers sailed the San Francisco–Panama–New York City route laden with what would ultimately amount to $200 million in gold. This California Gold Rush wealth helped the US government defeat [Read More] …