People who don’t understand crypto. Rare is the thing in this world that can be pronounced with absolute certainty as nonsense. Drivel. Bilge. Claptrap. But there are a few such things. And of one of them, we can be sure… To be straight-up with you, I stole those first three paragraphs. Copped ‘em right off [Read More] …
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Rise of the Burger Bots
Despair and opportunity in tomorrow’s America. We pick up today where we left off yesterday: The lunacy of a minimum wage set at $50 per hour, as proposed recently by California Congresswoman Barbara Lee. Today, we move the ball forward by discussing that which no one seems to be paying much attention to: The fact [Read More] …
Stashing Silver In a Crisis
This Overlooked Metal Will Ride to the Rescue When the Dollar Fails If you know with a reasonable certainty that your house will flood at some unknown point in the future, would you buy flood insurance today? And if one brand of flood insurance costs $2,000 for a policy, and a second brand costs $24 for a policy… which would you buy, assuming they both were [Read More] …
The Fed’s Absolute Corruption Is America’s Downfall
The Dollars Weakens by the Day… When you’re a pig and you own a house made of brick, you don’t really care that the Big Bad Wolf is outside huffing and puffing belligerently. Short-sighted, to be sure. I mean, you’re a pig. To the entire world, you’re bacon on the hoof and everyone wants a [Read More] …
The Greatest Financial Gift You Can Give Your Loved Ones
Overcoming the Soaring Costs of Eldercare Saddest day of my life: December 24, 1989. I was living and working Southern California. My mom called from Louisiana. My grandfather—the man who raised me—had passed away. I remember the funeral. Crying on the shoulder of my best friend’s dad, wishing for one last fishing trip to Lake Rosemound, my grandfather’s favorite destination [Read More] …