You Could Put 5% Into This Asset.
I own a lot of gold.
I own a lot of Swiss francs.
Relative to my entire nest egg, those two assets represent about 45% of the financial assets I own.
And, so, people who learn of this fact assume that I am extremely conservative with my investing.
Until they find out I also have between 20% and 25% in crypto.
And then they just think I’m nuts…
There is, however, a method to this madness.
An important reason why I hold so much crypto.
Truth is, I am conservative in my largest retirement account. I’ve lived the financial destruction wrought by Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, and the housing market too many times in my adult life.
I want that account to survive the trouble that’s coming down the tracks in America—come what may.
I also want growth. And not just any growth. I want (to borrow a line from Pink Floyd) “Money. It’s a gas” growth. And the stock, bond, gold, and currency markets are not going to ever offer up that.
The growth I’m talking about isn’t watching my investment double in five years. Or even two years.
I’m chasing investments that can 5x or 10x within a year.
And only crypto offers that possibility.
Which is why my conservative gold-and-franc main dish comes with a side-order of highly aggressive crypto.
To me, it’s the perfect combo: the peanut butter and jelly of portfolio design.
I feel sleep-tight-at-night secure with one side of my nest egg, but I know I can wake up to find that the other side has gained tens of thousands, maybe even $100,000 in value overnight.
That is not a fever dream.
Earlier this spring, I would wake up in the mornings, check my crypto portfolio on an iPhone app that tracks my holdings, and I would roll over to put the phone in my wife’s face.
Over the span of a few months—October to March—one particular position rose from a value of about $4,200 to $119,250. I have never had a stock nearly 30x in five months.
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