Monday rolled around—7 a.m. I was still in bed, stuck in the neverland of partial, morning lucidity. And my phone chirped. I lethargically pulled it from under the pillow… The chirp was a notification from freelancing website Fiverr, welcoming me back from my time away, and automatically setting my profile to “Available.” I shoved the phone back under the pillow, rolled onto my [Read More] …
My Ambitious (Likely to Fail) Get-Rich Scheme
In the great green room there was a telephone and a red balloon and a picture of… The cow jumping over the moon. If you’re a parent, you likely know that collection of words as the opening pages of one of the bestselling children’s books of all time: Goodnight Moon. And you’re smiling right now, remembering all those nights reading [Read More] …
My 5-Figure Side Income…and How You Can Build Yours
I’m at the age where life forces me to think about retirement. And, frankly, I find it unsettling. I spent my 20s, 30s, and 40s just assuming I would always be in my 20s, 30s, and 40s. And here I am—55—and thinking to myself, “Damn—12 more years until full Social Security retirement age! How did this happen? [Read More] …
Weekly Digest: The SEC Panics Over Coinbase’s Plans
Plus China’s Newest Stock Exchange Welcome to your Sunday digest…my weekly breakdown of the things we’re thinking about and talking about in the Global Intelligence world. First up, panic at the Securities and Exchange Commission… There’s an old joke (but not really a joke). You’ve probably heard it before: How do you know when a politician is lying? His mouth is moving. [Read More] …
The Next Investment on My Radar…
Fall has come to Prague. Finally. Summer was rough. My apartment, on the top floor of what my landlord tells me is an 18th century building, is sans A/C. By mid-afternoon, the sun beams into my all-glass ceiling and, well, the temperature inside the apartment rises to “just this side of burned” on the toaster setting. But [Read More] …