You never realize the impact you have on your kids until you hear your very own words flying back at you. And then you think, “Damn—I’m smart!” That was the actual thought I had during a FaceTime call with my son recently. He rang to share with me a small victory he’d had day-trading crypto. I [Read More] …
The Assets I Own and Why I Own Them
When life hands you lemons… You slice those suckers open, fish out the seeds, grow your own citrus, and sell ‘em for a profit. Or said another way, look for the opportunity in whatever the world throws at you. Right now, I’m applying that thesis to my personal financial life as I peer across the landscape of U.S. assets. Valuations are off-the-charts crazy nowadays, and I’ll [Read More] …
Weekly Digest: Big Trouble for China’s Tech Companies
Welcome to your Sunday digest…my weekly breakdown of the things we’re thinking about and talking about in the Global Intelligence world. First up this week, big trouble for China’s tech companies. On June 30, Chinese ride-hailing firm Didi Global made its much-anticipated debut on the New York Stock Exchange. The company, which is China’s answer to Uber, enjoyed a solid if unspectacular debut. On its first day of trading, its [Read More] …
Why Cryptos Are Going to Change the World
We pick up today where we left off yesterday in our guide to alternative cryptocurrencies, or “alt-coins.” Yesterday’s missive was all about Polkadot, a crypto network not unlike a TV network in that it serves as the pipeline bringing you the service you want. (You can check out yesterday’s article here.) Today we’re talking about VeChain. It is also an alt-coin, though it is a service provider on a network. In keeping with our [Read More] …
Beyond Bitcoin: Introducing the Wild, Hugely Profitable World of “Alt-Coins”
Eyes of Laura Mars. You remember that—a movie from 1978? I do. Not that I can tell you what the storyline was about. Just that it was the first thing that popped up on my family’s television on that day in 1979 when Cablevision of Baton Rouge completely rearranged my world. No longer was I stuck with three network channels and a crappy UHF channel showing useless [Read More] …