Dear Field Notes reader, Death and taxes. The only things that are certain in life. Or so Benjamin Franklin famously asserted in a 1789 letter, when he wrote “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and [Read More] …
We’re Headed Back to the Early ’90s…and Not in a Good Way
Things my children have never known: black-and-white TVs, rotary dial phones, cars without seat belts, Schoolhouse Rock!, the Cold War…and inflation. It’s that last one I want to talk about today—though, clearly, Schoolhouse Rock! would be much more enjoyable. “Conjunction junction, what’s your function?” (That will be stuck in your head all day, now. Sorry [Read More] …
These Stocks Are Poised to Jump Higher as the World Reopens
My landlord is working in the North Sea. He texted me to say he won’t be back until April. Not that you care about any of that. I mean, I don’t care about any of that, other than the relationship of those facts to when I meet with him to pay my rent here in [Read More] …
Turning $495 Into Almost $20K in a Single Day
Welcome to our first weekly digest! This is a new concept I’m trying out as we embark on this era of Field Notes and the Global Intelligence Letter. In these letters every Sunday, I plan to offer a summary and some updates on the letters I sent to you during the previous week; discuss some tidbits from the [Read More] …
A 50% Tax Break for Working From a European Beach? Yes, Please…
Two years ago this month I was traveling through Greece for 15 days, partly on a work assignment, partly on holiday with my then-girlfriend/now-wife Yuliya. As we drove through the rocky landscape of Crete, the largest Greek isle, we both looked at each other and said, “This would be a great place to live for a while.” [Read More] …