The waitress arrived with my second Aperol spritz—an Italian wine cocktail. We looked at each other and smiled. I alight to this café often to spend several hours at a time writing, so we “know” each other in that way that people who see one another regularly “know the face,” though we’ve never spoken beyond her taking my order. “You write [Read More] …
Uncle Sam Just Proved He Doesn’t Understand Crypto
Tell me you don’t understand cryptocurrency without telling me you don’t understand… To wit, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s recent comment in a congressional committee meeting: “You wouldn’t need stablecoins, you wouldn’t need cryptocurrencies, if you had a digital U.S. currency. I think that’s one of the stronger arguments in its favor.” Lots to unpack here… I know [Read More] …
Weekly Digest: Europe Moves Toward a Digital Currency
Welcome to your Sunday digest…my weekly breakdown of the things we’re thinking about and talking about in the Global Intelligence world. You may remember from last week’s mailing that I was planning to bring you this edition from the beautiful Mediterranean island of Malta. Well, in this age of COVID, the best laid plans of mice and men—not to mention travelers—often go awry. Earlier this week, just [Read More] …
Freedom Insurance: A Key Reason I Own Gold and Crypto
Every week it seems, a bureaucrat, a technocrat, or a lawmaking body somewhere does something or says something so boneheaded or frightening that it makes me think, “Yep—gotta have an escape hatch.” Two popped up in my newsfeed last week: Texas has passed a law that will essentially deputize ordinary citizens—including people who live outside of Texas—to sue [Read More] …
Video: My New Crypto-Mining Rigs…and Exactly How Much I’m Earning From Them
Back in April, I send you a video showing you how I built a cryptocurrency mining rig in my apartment here in Prague. (If you missed that video, you can view it here.) Well, today I wanted to send you an update since my mining setup has grown considerably over the past few months. In [Read More] …